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VR Scene IV

The Flat

Explore life in The Barbican Estate

This area connects from the hall. The visitor can walk from Barbican Hall through the theatre area and see Barbican Flat. After walking through the theatre, the audience will be lead the explore the Barbican Flat to see the way of living in the Barbican under climate change condition through an immersive atmosphere and an interactive object

Weather Forecast
00:00 / 01:05

The plan of the flat is re-design from the typical floor plan of Barbican Flat. We create new elements for supporting life in the future when people need to deal with climate change such as temporary pathway, sandbags wall, air condition, and weather forecast assistant that people can interact with it.

The level of barbican flat is lifted from a flood and surrounded by sandbags for protecting water. This area is for living under flooded condition, so we design the area seems like a boat is floating in flooding time.


The atmosphere in the space is a combination of neon lighting that refer to life in future, but the decorating and the furniture in interior space is an original style of Barbican. So the audience can relate in both terms of past and future

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